Key Risk Indicators
Key Risk Indicators are an excellent tool for building senior executive ownership and participation in ERM. Yet they are an often-misunderstood element of an effective ERM program. How can you identify the right KRIs for your organization?
In this webinar, noted ERM expert Rob Quail will share best practices for KRI development. He’ll help you understand:
- What is the relationship between KRIs and KPIs?
- What are the steps to select and develop a robust set of KRIs?
- How can you set KRI thresholds that will trigger action?
- What is the role of senior executives in establishing and using KRIs?
- What are the keys to driving acceptance for KRIs among decision makers and risk owners?
- Where do KRIs fit relative to other aspects of a mature ERM program, such as risk appetite and tolerances, risk criteria, risk assessment and evaluation processes, risk registry, and risk reporting?