Riskonnect for Third-Party Management Professionals

Riskonnect collects, assesses, and continuously monitors third-party credentials to protect you and your organization.

Today’s headlines are full of horror stories about data breaches, supplier mishaps, and privacy violations caused by vendors that resulted in major financial and reputational blow-back on the organization. Are you next?

Third-party suppliers bring all manner of security and reputation-threatening issues to your doorstep. They are often the easiest way into your company. Those suppliers may have their own suppliers, which have their own suppliers. The list goes on – bringing added exposure at every level.

Third parties can even pose a risk after the business engagement has concluded.

As corporate reputations become increasingly fragile to bad news, maintaining the status quo while hoping for the best is simply not an option. Keeping your company out of danger requires advanced measures and tools.

Do you have what it takes to stay on top of third parties throughout your relationship?

Protect Yourself

Riskonnect helps you understand your third-party risks, identify potential vulnerabilities, and respond quickly to any changes. Streamlined questionnaires, automated follow-up, and real-time assessments provide critical intelligence about your suppliers. And the increase in efficiency saves you both time and money.

Because of Riskonnect, we were able to move forward with a new piece of business. We were able to expand operations team revenue growth – and increase vendor compliance. Onboarding is a very seamless process for our team and for our vendors.

Workers’ Compensation Manager
Stanley Steemer
Focus on Intelligence, Not Administration

Free up valuable resources with easy-to-build questionnaires, real-time assessments, and automated follow-up.

Find Every Detail at Your Fingertips

Instantly access every supplier document and qualification.

Reduce Your Third-Party Exposure

Take human error out of the equation with automatic notifications, scheduled reassessments, and continuous monitoring throughout the relationship.

Every Riskonnect solution is powerful on its own, but the real magic happens when you use them together.

Third party risk management software ebook guide to TPRM
Preparing for a Change in TPRM Technology

This OCEG playbook, sponsored by Riskonnect, explains how to gather the appropriate information on your current state to set you up for a successful change in TPRM technology.

Start partnering with Riskonnect today.
Find out how Riskonnect can transform the way you view risk.