ERM Software (Enterprise Risk Management)

Riskonnect’s ERM software helps you understand the impact of all risks across your organization.

Give leadership reliable, accurate data instantly. Riskonnect’s ERM software helps leaders confidently make decisions about risks and opportunities with always up-to-date and complete data.

Communicate seamlessly from the frontlines to the C-suite. Break down silos and collaborate with all stakeholders using the same risk language.

Adapt quickly to changing conditions. Make data-driven decisions to bounce back fast from even the harshest events.

ERM software professionals collaborating on a laptop

ERM Software Product Highlights:

ERM software graphs and charts representation

Functionally, Riskonnect’s ERM use case is market leading. It’s backed by the strength of its risk evaluation tools, including real-time quantitative Monte Carlo simulations and bowtie analysis, first-line user portal, and AI-supported “easy buttons” that accelerate risk mapping and assessments.

The Forrester Wave™: Governance, Risk, And Compliance, Q4 2023

Eliminate Surprises from a Risk You Didn’t See Coming

Ever had to explain why you weren’t prepared for an event that seemingly came out of nowhere? Riskonnect’s ERM software brings together all risk-related information into one platform so you know what you’re facing before it can surprise you.

  • Consolidate all risk data into one, easily accessible place.
  • Track the status of risk assessments and note changes to key indicators.
  • See the connections between risks, controls, assessments, accountability, documentation, and other relevant factors.
Enterprise Risk Management ERM software professional typing on a laptop

ERM allows us to understand it’s not just about one risk. We’re dealing with groups of related risks that are all in motion that are all impacting the organization simultaneously.

Bob Bowman
Chief Risk Officer
The Wendy’s Company

Riskonnect has allowed us to embark on actions we’ve never had clarity on before. If no action is coming out of the data, what’s the point.

Trey Braden
Director, Risk Management
Risk management professional examining charts on whiteboard

Automate, Streamline …
and Move Fast

How much time do you waste chasing down data and making sure it’s correct? Riskonnect’s ERM software speeds up data collection and validation, so you can move on to more important things.

  • Automate workflows to free up time for more strategic tasks.
  • Monitor important KRIs and respond to oncoming risk events in real time.
  • Get automatic alerts when a risk indicator has crossed the threshold of acceptability.

Elevate the Risk Function Within Your Business

Do you want to simply drop off reports or stay for the strategy discussion? Riskonnect’s Enterprise Risk Management software makes it easy to share data, collaborate on actions – and emphasize the importance of infusing risk into strategic decisions.

  • Empower the C-suite to make effective decisions about risk and opportunity.
  • Involve people at all levels and functions – and assign responsibility and accountability for identifying and managing risk in everyday work.
  • Establish a common risk language throughout the organization.
  • Easily create prebuilt or customized reports with a drag-and-drop report builder.
  • Automatically send alerts and reports to keep stakeholders informed and involved.
Four Risk Management professionals in a meeting
Book How to build a compelling business case for ERM software
How to Build a Compelling Business Case for ERM Software

Download this e-book for guidance on gathering the facts and articulating the value of Enterprise Risk Management software to cultivate support among decision-making leaders.

Enterprise Risk Management ERM software R.O.I. calculator image

Calculate Your ROI for
ERM Software

Take 5 minutes and answer 15 questions to find out how much you could save with Riskonnect’s Enterprise Risk Management software.

Starting an RFP process for Enterprise Risk Management software?

Download Riskonnect’s list of the most critical ERM-related questions and customize it to suit your needs.

Book. R.F.P. for ERM software (Enterprise Risk Management)

Your ERM Software Questions Answered

Enterprise Risk Management software is a tool to support an organization’s ERM program. It increases efficiency, accuracy, and consistency by gathering all risk-related information into one place. ERM software can reduce duplicate work and human error while improving collaboration on risk decisions across the organization.

Enterprise Risk Management software offers a variety of specialized features and functions – like heat maps, risk assessments, and risk registers – to assess risks, identify changes, and prioritize actions to minimize exposure and maximize opportunity.

While special software is not required to launch an ERM program, many organizations find it essential for efficiently managing enterprise-level risks. One sign that it’s time to consider Enterprise Risk Management software is if your risk team spends the majority of time manually gathering, validating, entering, and formatting data instead of analyzing what it means and applying those learnings to better protect the organization. Another indicator that you need ERM software is if you are struggling to connect risk data across business units, locations, or functions. And if leaders are regularly asking for reports and insights that are difficult or impossible to produce, Enterprise Risk Management software may be exactly what you need.

Riskonnect’s flexible model allows you to start anywhere and go everywhere. You can build a solution that fits your needs today – and easily add and upgrade as your business grows and changes.

Riskonnect is designed to seamlessly connect risk data of all types across your organization. We also offer APIs (application programming interface) to easily import and export data and out-of-the-box integrations with specialized partners to help you get the most from your data as efficiently as possible.

Pricing depends on the size and complexity of the project and how much customization you require. We offer three industry-leading implementation options at different price points to fit your budget, while achieving your business objectives as quickly as possible.

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Find out how Riskonnect can transform the way you view risk.