By Jim Wetekamp, CEO, Riskonnect
Forbes Council Member | Forbes Technology Council
Published July 12, 2021
The past year exposed a host of risk management limitations, inefficiencies and blind spots that had been quietly lurking beneath the surface for years.
Organizations that had been content to plod along managing risk the way it’s always been done – often in spreadsheets – were suddenly forced to make important decisions affecting the future of the business with virtually no credible data or insight into what course of action would be best. Even those organizations that emerged relatively unscathed were shaken by the experience.
As businesses get back on track, resilience has become the rallying cry. Leaders everywhere are vowing to build back in ways that will make their organizations stronger and more adaptable to changing conditions – but few know how to do it.
If the past was about optimization, the future will be about resilience.
If you aren’t getting the information you need when you need it, take a good look at what is supporting your risk management program and rethink what’s in place from the ground up. Here’s where to start.
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