Thought Leadership

Cyber and ESG Turn Heads, But Geopolitical Risk Remains the #1 Threat to Corporations

Geopolitical risk is the number-one global corporate risk. Political and civil tensions remain high across the world. The race between the U.S. and China for technological leadership is intensifying. Geopolitically motivated cyber events are increasing, [...]

Risk Management for Tomorrow: What Must Break to be Rebuilt into Something Better

By Jim Wetekamp, CEO, Riskonnect.  Reprinted as published by Forbes.   The past year has been full of unexpected risks, unwanted surprises, and unimaginable consequences. Organizations everywhere were caught flat-footed by a risk they never [...]

Business Resilience Software: Leveraging it to Avert Risk Potholes

Businesses have never needed resilience more than they do now. Building resilience, however, isn’t always easy – especially if you don’t have the right tools at your disposal. Resilient organizations can see what risks are [...]

Risk Management for Tomorrow: What Must Break to be Rebuilt into Something Better

By Jim Wetekamp, CEO, Riskonnect Forbes Council Member | Forbes Technology Council The past year has been full of unexpected risks, unwanted surprises, and unimaginable consequences. Organizations everywhere were caught flat-footed by a risk [...]

Digital Transformation in Banking: Don’t Overlook Risk Management

Technology has always played an integral role in banking. And that’s never been truer than today. The pandemic accelerated digital transformation in banks. Financial services organizations of all types are embracing new technology like [...]