IT Risk Management: Detection to Protection

Technology fuels nearly every aspect of business today. Accomplishing even the simplest tasks – for customers, employees, suppliers – usually requires technology.

In this world, system availability is non-negotiable. The responsibility for keeping all those systems – the very business itself – humming along falls squarely on the shoulders of CISOs, CIOs, CTOs, and other technology professionals.

Every new piece of technology opens the organization up to more risk. Meantime, cybercriminals are using all the same tech advances to launch ever-cleverer attacks aimed at taking down your systems, stealing your data, and generally wreaking havoc on the business. And your own people could inflict enormous damage, whether they mean to or not.

Risk detection is still important. But you need more to protect your business.

Boards and C-suites are taking notice and demanding that tech leaders accurately anticipate and manage risks and provide insight on the effectiveness of processes and controls. The business depends on it.

IT risk is no longer a technical cybersecurity issue – it’s a business issue.

Technology risk management goes beyond IT risk detection and security to protection that encompasses resilience, business continuity, compliance, third-party risk management, and data privacy.

This ebook will help you move from simple risk detection to comprehensive protection by expanding your vision, capabilities, and influence.

  • What’s Driving Change
  • What Is Technology Risk Management
  • Your Technology Risk Management Playbook
  • The Four Biggest Challenges Facing Information Security Professionals
  • What to Look for in Technology Risk Management Software
  • Get Ready for What’s Next

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