Teri Boger, Risk All-Stars
Teri Boger
Risk Analyst
Atrium Health
What is your educational background?
Some college for elementary education, mostly on-the-job training in safety, insurance, claims, and software management
Did you know you wanted to go into the risk profession? If not, what was your journey to get here?
I came from a secretarial background and fell into risk management that way. I had been in various jobs within the Veterans Administration and applied for a secretarial job in a different local hospital. The position I ended up getting was the secretary for the director of risk management. After 11 years, I was promoted to risk analyst.
How long have you been working in the risk profession?
15 years
What do you love most about what you do?
I love how every day is different in the requests and challenges that arise.
Has managing risk changed over the course of your career? If so, how?
The types and number of incidents and claims I’ve seen over the years have changed. Risk management software has definitely evolved since I started 15 years ago!
What advice would you give to someone who is about to start their career in the risk profession?
Go for it! It can be a bumpy ride at times, but it’s fun and challenging.
Do you have a personal motto? If so, what is it?
“I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together, we can do great things.” Mother Theresa
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