Protect Your Tech by Uniting Third-Party Risk, Business Resilience, and Technology Risk

Technology fuels everything today from routine tasks to complex processes – which makes organizations increasingly vulnerable to disruption, including technical outages, third-party failures, and cyberattacks. Recent high-profile incidents with CrowdStrike and Change Healthcare show how extensive the damage can be.

This webinar will explore how businesses can protect their technology infrastructure by uniting third-party risk, business resilience, and technology risk. You’ll discover practical approaches to enhance preparedness, prioritize threat and vulnerability mitigation, and take on today’s tech threats with confidence.

Learning Points: 

  • Connect technology risk, third-party risk, and business resilience with a cohesive strategy that fosters collaboration.
  • Prioritize your risk and resilience activities based on potential financial and brand impacts.
  • Discover adaptive strategies to navigate the ever-changing digital environment to keep your focus on preparedness.
  • Use real-world examples of significant disruptions for practical takeaways that strengthen your resilience and risk management practices.

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Protect Your Tech by Uniting Third-Party Risk, Business Resilience, and Technology Risk 

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