Addressing the New Realities and Risks in 2024 and Beyond
Geopolitical tensions are escalating. The economic outlook keeps flip flopping. But the dominant story this year is AI.
Concerns over AI ethics, privacy, and security continue to mount. AI also tentacles into cybersecurity, geopolitics, and other areas, supercharging the risks of everything in its path. Hackers, for instance, are getting smarter, more sophisticated, and dangerous by the minute as they leverage the latest AI advancements to infiltrate organizations.
These forces are creating a high-stakes environment full of challenges. Are risk management strategies keeping up with this new generation of risk?
To find out, Riskonnect surveyed more than 200 risk, compliance and resilience professionals worldwide about today’s biggest threats and if they are revamping their risk management playbooks to navigate uncharted territory.
Riskonnect’s 2024 New Generation of Risk Survey revealed that while companies’ top concerns have shifted over the past year, risk management approaches largely haven’t evolved fast enough, and key gaps remain. The data also suggests that risk management is increasingly seen as a strategic business function, but continued investment is necessary to keep up with the changing risk landscape.
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