Take Control of Your Workers Compensations Costs with Risk IQ Analytics

The increasing severity and cost of workers’ compensation claims continues to pressure organizations to put adequate measures in place to mitigate these risks, reduce costs, and keep employees safe. Dynamic workers’ compensation risks, however, can be difficult to identify, quantify, and mitigate. WTW’s Risk IQ software helps you quickly identify what’s driving your costs, diagnose the most efficient ways to address these issues, and visualize the financial impact of the recommended measures. In this on-demand webinar, Riskonnect customer, The Wendys Company, shares how they are using WTW’s Workers Compensation Diagnostic model to squeeze more intelligence and actionable insights from their risk and claims data. You’ll also have the opportunity to see a short demonstration of the software.

You’ll learn:

  • How to harness the power of analytics to reveal pre- and post-loss opportunities to save on your workers’ compensation costs and insurance
  • How an API integration seamlessly shares risk and claims data stored in Riskonnect with Risk IQ models
  • What future extensions of the WTW Risk IQ Integration may offer, including connections to property quantified, global peril diagnostic, climate diagnostic, and more.


Bob Bowman, Chief Risk Officer, The Wendy’s Company Ben Fidlow, Global Head of Core Analytics, WTW Duane Pifer, Senior Director, Data Analytics, WTW Charles Longridge, Head of Partners and Alliances, Riskonnect

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