Business Continuity & Resilience Consulting and Managed Services

Riskonnect’s team of experts can help develop and maintain a world-class program tailored to you.

Get instant expertise. Partner with Riskonnect’s consulting team, which has collectively logged more than 300,000 hours building and running business continuity programs.

Find all the help you need. Leverage our proven methodology, the Business Continuity Operating System model, and experts to accelerate planning and execution of your business continuity program.

Never worry about compliance. Confidently meet all relevant business continuity and resilience regulatory requirements – as well as the most demanding customer expectations.

BCR professionals looking at paperwork

Service Highlights:

The Business Continuity Operating System Model

Riskonnect’s proprietary BCOS model brings a proven approach to business continuity by systematically strengthening the seven core elements that differentiate high-performing programs. You’ll have a clear path forward and real results that will inspire confidence in your resilience.

BCOS continuity resilience
BCR professionals looking at data

Identify What’s Most Important – and Protect It

How can you protect the organization if you aren’t even sure where to start? Riskonnect consultants will work with you to identify your most important products and services and prioritize your actions accordingly.

  • Define how much resilience is needed to protect critical assets.
  • Identify severe, yet plausible, scenarios that could disrupt your business.
  • Design a sustainable program that works for the whole business.
  • Define the roles, competencies, and people you need to succeed.

Bounce Back Faster

Can you confidently handle whatever crisis comes your way? Riskonnect consultants will help identify vulnerabilities and develop strategies to respond to any crisis, communicate with stakeholders, and recover – while minimizing harm to your finances and reputation.

  • Work with each department to understand weaknesses, what’s needed to deliver products and services, and how long a disruption can last before the consequences become unacceptable.
  • Establish response and recovery requirements and single points of failure with business impact analysis (BIA) reports. ·
  • Define and capture strategies in department-specific business continuity plans and organization-wide crisis management plans.
  • Test your plan with realistic scenarios to make sure everything will run smoothly in the real world.
  • Get specific recommendations – and a long-term roadmap – to improve your response abilities.
BCR consultants looking at documents
BCR consultant on laptop

Get Help When You Need It Most

Is a lack of resources compromising your business continuity and resilience plans? Riskonnect consultants can act as an extension to your business continuity team, whether you need a little extra capacity – or a lot.

  • Outsource the development and maintenance of a program customized to your needs.
  • Dial up or down the support you receive as your needs change.
  • Get specialized support for regulatory compliance, go-to-market strategy, supplier needs, and more.
Start partnering with Riskonnect today.
Find out how Riskonnect can transform the way you view risk.