
Looking for a Healthcare ERM Solution? Make Sure You Get the Real Thing

By Jay Lechtman, Vice President, Strategy & Innovation, Healthcare Healthcare provider organizations (HPOs) are starting to recognize the value of consolidating vendors and implementing an Enterprise Risk Management solution that is both holistic and [...]

Why Healthcare Needs to Think Provider Quality Management and Not Just Peer Review

Jay Lechtman, Vice President, Strategy & Innovation, Healthcare When an adverse event occurs, the immediate priority is to deal with the situation at hand. Move beyond those immediate and reactive issues and the improvement-minded [...]

The Growth of Telemedicine: Rising Risks and Challenges to Address Today

By Jay Lechtman, Senior Director of Strategy and Innovation, Healthcare at Riskonnect As published in RSAConference Today’s global health crisis is transforming healthcare delivery. While telemedicine isn’t new, the pandemic has significantly accelerated its [...]