What Companies Need to Know about Environmental, Social, and Governance Risks and Reporting

Environmental, Social, Governance – ESG – reporting has risen to the top of the corporate priority list at dramatic speed. Employees, investors, customers, regulators, and other stakeholders are increasingly holding companies accountable for their ESG practices like those relating to climate change and social equality. At the same time, a rapidly evolving regulatory and legislative landscape is upping the stakes to proactively manage these risks and be more transparent through ESG reporting. While ESG discussions to date have largely been confined to the boardroom, that’s changing. Heightened interest means heightened risks – so companies need to treat ESG reporting like the integrated effort that it is. Failure to act may result in significant financial or reputational damage. Download this ebook to learn what ESG is, what the risks are, and how to begin reporting so you can prepare for what may be headed your way.


  • What is ESG?
  • What Risks Are Associated with ESG?
  • How to Report on ESG
  • What Risk and Compliance Leaders Can Do Now to Prepare for ESG Reporting

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