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Are you going to let your
RMIS provider make decisions for you?

RSG has painted you into a corner.
We have a better option than what they’re trying to force upon you.

The Immediate Problem

Do you really want the same RMIS you have today with a different name? Or, would you prefer to take advantage of the opportunity to gain a vastly improved RMIS system?

Future Problems

Do you want to let the future of your risk management technology, and your career, be decided because of a business transition outside of your control?

The Riskonnect Advantage

Riskonnect RMIS enables superior collaboration and a new risk management platform unseen in the industry — bringing better data quality with integrated risk analysis in addition to improved processes and cost reductions.

Riskonnect is offering substantial discounts to current
RSG clients on implementation of our unbundled RMIS solutions

We Know RSG Systems

Our Chief Global Evangelist is the former CEO of RSG and in the past nine years we’ve hired over 10 former RSG employees. We like to boast that we know more about how RSG systems work than any other company.

Seamless Data Transfer

We will work with you to transfer all of your data and workflows. Our data services team has deep experience successfully migrating RSG clients to Riskonnect, while improving upon what the client receives. Riskonnect’s platform is specifically suited to handle the complex and custom needs of RSG’s clients.

No More Limits

Now is the perfect time to evaluate where you’d like your risk management systems in the future, address any deficiencies you have with your current processes, and chart a course for what’s next.

© 2016 Riskonnect, Inc.